My Personal Interests

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Are Apple devices for me?

So that is the question I have to ask myself.  Are Apple devices for me?
Why am I asking this question?  Well the recent release of iPadOS15 has shown where Apple are putting their focus and its not where mine lies. 

As I have noted in previous posts, I want better file handling, a full version of Safari and less of what I like to call fluff or bullshit apps and upgrades. 

  • New multitasking features
  • More versatile widgets and the App Library
  • Quick Note for system-wide fast notes
  • Universal Control across iPad and Mac
  • "Focus" to reduce distractions
  • Build iPhone and iPad apps using Swift Playgrounds
  • Portrait mode, Spatial Audio, and SharePlay in FaceTime calls
  • Translate app on iPad for the first time
  • Text recognition for images
  • Safari, Maps, and Notes app redesigns

I put most of these changes into two categories: fixes that should have been implemented in iPadOS14 and updates for children.  Look, I understand kids use iPads, but honestly, I really 
don't care about emoji or memoji, I don't share media with other people so I don't need all the media sharing functions (which are too late now anyway - Pandemic is almost over) - I'm just not 12 years old.

I just want a full browser and a decent file manager.  I want to be able to turn off all the kiddy crap, the 'helpful' shit that Apple likes to throw in (its not helpful) and I want the OS to work a little smoother. All these multitasking features that have the YouTubers excited are honestly late and should have been implemented a few years back.  And someone explain to me what the hell FOCUS is because that also sounds like bullshit. 

I am sure I sound a little salty about all of this and to an extent I am.  I have a device that was touted as a PC killer, that is apparently unable to survive without a PC (that PC being some sort of Apple MAC of course).  Not all of us are childish and want emoji etc.  Some of us actually do work with these things and want a professional computer.  Now this where the Apple fans will jump on me and say that I should have got a Macbook, and maybe they are right, but I like the iPad form factor.  There is a great deal to like about this machine, especially the touch capability that I cannot get with a Macbook.

It's not like the iPads are cheap; is it too much to ask that these expensive tablets, that have the horse power of comparatively priced PCs, have the same capabilities?

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